Desert Ranger


NAME: Wade, Kirk G

SPECIALTY: First Strike Defense

SECONDARY: Desert Survival


Ghost Town had a very annoying trait growing up. He could just stand there and you would not know it until you were on top of him. It wasn't something he consciously did, he just kept getting overlooked. When he joined the USMC, he passed his classes mainly because the staff never really paid attention to where he was. When it came time to pick assignments, Ghost Town requested GI Joe, and because the Staff Sargeant thought it was some sort of prank, reassigned him. The Marines mistake actually became one of GI Joes best asset.

Ghost Town is proficient in most forms of concealment. Expert with M-16, M-60, M11A1 auto pistol

Ghost Town doesn't need camoflauge tents or grease paint. Just sit him two miles outside the compound and let him stay. He'll eat whatever is out there; scorpions, snakes, cacti. And you will never know he is there until you are on top of him staring down the barrel of his M-16.